Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Goruck Challenge Toronto 2013 - part 2

Looking at the route we covered, it's funny how much of this I do not remember. A long endurance event goes by really quickly, except when it drags on and on. Relativity theory in real life...

Jay drops from the event, as all the PT aggravates an old back injury.

And then there were 11.

As we leave the dreaded track, the task is to make it to Rosedale Park within a certain time frame. We carry all gear and take turns running laps around the team, while carrying team weight to earn extra time. I am responsible for the team being punished at least twice, as I keep running onto the road in my excitement to contribute.

At Rosedale - a short break and food. I finally get a chance to eat some of the fuel I packed what now seems to be forever ago. Note to self - only carry potatoes if you want them mashed. And if you have a spoon.

Our next destination is High Park with a stop at Christie Pits -a small recreational area with  a playground on the way. Maybe we'll do monkey bars! Or get a chance to scare small children! Please, Jason???

We lose Tay on our way to Christie Pits - struggling with muscle cramping ever since our hill sprints, he is (rightly) concerned about injury. "I also don't want to slow down you guys", he says as part of the "in-front-of-the-whole-group" speech. "Tay, you are quitting for you, not for us", I remind him. The rest nod. It's a tough decision. But he will be back...

And then there were 10.

As we ruck our butts through the sleepy downtown, Jason dispenses another task - be on a lookout for bikes (aka IEDs). If he spots one before we do... we shall be punished. Somehow after hours of PT, the threat of punishment carries less and less weight... What on Earth could he throw our way that we haven't done already? More push-ups?

How can we miss the ROM (Royal Ontario Museum), one of Toronto's landmarks? Yay for weighted push-ups. My wrist tells me to go screw myself. 922807_127089017485161_1712144513_n

Goruck Challenge Toronto 2013 - part 1

This would be my second Goruck (you can read my event recap from Goruck Challenge Toronto 2012 here), and yet again I was packing hours before the start.

I spent a quiet Friday evening with my bricks (do I (again) sound like a psychopath or what?).

There is actually a method for wrapping bricks, believe it or not. After ending up with a bloody blister on my back after the Spartan Ultra Beast (and that was just the hydration pack), I didn't want take any chances.